Thursday, October 25, 2012

35 Weeks

From my baby shower with some of my friends

I was hoping to gather some more photos before posting, but I have not been able to get a hold of the shower photos. It was a beautiful shower thrown by mother-in-law, Cindi. The weather was really nice and it was the last shower before Caleb comes. So crazy that he can now come at any time! At my doctor's appointment, Caleb was measuring 6 lbs. 10 ounces and he was head down (hooray!). At the time, I was not having too many consistent contractions, so she did not check to see if I was dilated or effaced. Since the appointment, I have at least one "set" of contractions a day. They will come on for an hour or so and then leave. I am becoming more uncomfortable, which is so different than it was with Joshua. I always thought with Joshua that I could be pregnant forever and not mind it one bit. The pregnancy waddle that so many had was foreign to me. And then out of the blue this past week, Hello pregnancy waddle. I now completely understand it. It makes me hopeful that maybe my body will go into labor on its own and not need to be induced. In other news, my body passed another kidney stone. Hopefully the last one. My next appointment for Caleb is tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing him!

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