Sunday, September 22, 2013

10 Months Old!

I have been so behind in my blogging, but things have been so busy being in escrow. Caleb is now 10 months old! He is such a happy boy and his little personality is so fun. He is very curious and loves to explore, but he is also shy in new environments and around new people. He is quick to giggle and "talks" up a storm. He loves to outstretch his arm with his hand open and jabber away like he's making a very important point. He also sticks his tongue out when he is really focused and it makes me laugh every time. He loves his Winnie the Pooh book and loves to do the ABC's on His favorite letter is "C" because it has a cat that runs around the screen when you click on it. He laughs and smiles at the cat running and says "t" "t" "t" over and over. I keep trying to get him to say the "c" sound, but he loves the "t". I have not been as good about pictures lately so I only have a few, but I will post more soon!

 Riding the horsey at Amma and Grandpa's house

 Sick little baby, but still managed a smirk

Our little Pooh Bear in his Halloween outfit

1 comment:

  1. He has the most precious little smirk! Even through the camera lenses it just melts my heart! Yes please more pictures!
