Thursday, July 18, 2013

8 months old!

My baby boy is growing up! Caleb is 8 months old and I think it is finally hitting me that he is no longer my tiny baby. I wish the time would slow down, but I know it doesn't so I am trying my best to savor every moment of his cuteness. Since my last post, Caleb has been talking up a storm. He babbles all day long and it is so cute! I love to listen to him talking in his carseat while driving in the car. He says "mama" and just this past week started saying "dada". Each day when Eddie comes home from work, we meet him at the front door. Eddie calls me right before he parks and I tell Caleb "Dada is home!". He always gets a little smirk on his face and now whispers "dada" over and over while waiting. When he finally spots Dada walking up he makes a huge grin. It is the sweetest thing. He also tried his first popsicle this last month, peach, and it was a hit. He has started scooting backwards, it's so funny to watch, but has yet to figure out crawling forwards. I have a feeling he may figure it out very soon. He is also trying to pull up on things, mostly mama. :)  One of the things I love about this age is how curious he is!  He wants to grab and mouth everything in sight. The curiosity also helps to keep him entertained. While waiting for a doctor's appt. that was running an hour late, Caleb was giggling like crazy at a latex rubber glove that I blew into like a balloon and then tickled him with. He also loved the paper towels and the crinkly paper on the exam table. He makes the smallest things seem so fun and exciting!  The following pictures are a random assortment from the past month, enjoy!

 Ready for the train! 

Train ride at Balboa Park!

 Grammy came on the train too!

 Animals at the Fair!

 Baby pigs!

 Hey Mama

Same exact facial expression. Genetics?


 Bananas in my hair, but I don't care!


Scrub-a-dub-dub baby Caleb in the tub

My first time swinging and I LOVED it!

The cutest video of Caleb enjoying the swing

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